
We've create a website for our demo brand WKND Fly. To fully enjoy the Hands-on Lab experience, we recommend having it open in a separate tab in your browser.

WKND Fly Website

  1. Open the WKND Fly Demo Website in a new tab.

For every demonstration, you'll need to use a fresh, incognito browser window to load the WKND Fly website or you click on "Reset profile" under the Action session on the Profile Viewer as shown below.

If you are prompted to allow cookies, please do so.

Showing the Real-time Customer Profile

The demo website has been extended to include a view inside Adobe Experience Platform. This allows you to look at the Real-time Customer Profile and see what data is being gathered live!

  1. Click on Adobe logo in the top left of the screen.

This will open a panel with several tabs, we'll be using the first 2 tabs only during today's session.

Profile This tab shows all the identities and attributes we know for this profile as well as segments this profile qualifies for. Additionally this tab offers some utilities like a direct link to view the profile in Adobe Experience Platform.

Events This tab shows all events for the profile. These update in real-time and will show any action the profile takes on the website. Go ahead and try to click through the website and see how your profile events are being gathered.

If changes to the profile attributes and/or events are not reflecting instantly. Try clicking the refresh icon in the panel or refreshing the page.

If you want to try with a fresh new profile, click on "Reset profile" under the Action session on the Experience Panel as shown below.

This will generate a new Experience Cloud ID (ECID) so you can start with an empty (unknown) customer.

Last updated