Visualise Your Profile

In this exercise you will use the AEP UI to view your real-time customer profile.

In Adobe's Real-time Customer Profile, all profile data is shown alongside event data, as well as existing segment memberships. The data shown can come from anywhere, from Adobe applications and external solutions. This is the most powerful view in Adobe Experience Platform, the true experience system of record.

Use the Customer Profile View

To log into the Adobe Experience Platform, go here.

  1. In the left rail, click on Profiles.

  2. On the Profiles tab, click on Browse.

On the Real Time Customer Profile panel on the WKKND Fly website, you can find multiple identities. Every identity is linked to a namespace. You can see these combination of id and namespaces.

It can take up to 10 minutes to stitch the profile into the identity graph in the production instance. Given the limited time for hands-on labs, we have prepared a profile in advance for you to test and not get stuck at this point. Please use the following below IDs to complete the exercise. If you wish to see your identity stitched you can come back later and use your profile IDs to do the same.









With Adobe Experience Platform, all IDs are equally important. Previously, the Adobe ID was the most important ID in the Adobe context and all other IDs were linked to the ECID in a hierarchical relation. With AEP this is no longer the case, and every ID can be considered a primary identifier.

Typically, the primary identifier depends on the context.

  • If you ask your Call Center, "What is the most important ID?", they will probably answer, "the phone number!".

  • But if you ask your CRM team, they will answer, "the email address!".

Adobe Experience Platform understands this complexity and manages it for you. Every application, whether an Adobe application or non-Adobe application, will speak with Adobe Experience Platform by referring to the ID they consider primary. And it simply works!

  1. For the field Identity namespace, select Email

  2. For the field Identity Value enter the following email address to test.

  3. Click View. You’ll then see your profile in the list.

  4. Click the Profile ID to open your profile.

You now see an overview of Profile Attributes, Identities and Preferences for your customer profile. This user interface is customisable.

If you’d like to see all available Profile Attributes for your profile,

  1. Click on Attributes at the tab bar of overview panel.

To see all entries for every experience event that is linked to your profile:

  1. Click on Events at the tab bar.

  2. You can click on View all for each event to see more details of a specific experience event.

To see all segments that this profile belongs to (we will discuss more about Segments in the next exercise):

  1. Click on Segment Membership at the tab bar.

You have now successfully viewed your customer profile in Adobe Experience Platform.

If you have time and complete your exercise on time, you can return later and do the same exercise with your ID after 10 minutes.

Now that you’ve learned how to view any customer’s real-time profile by making use of AEP’s User Interface, let’s create a segment which your profile will qualify for.

Last updated