Create a Segment

In this exercise, you’ll create a segment by making use of Adobe Experience Platform’s Segment Builder.

Segment Overview

To log into the Adobe Experience Platform, go here.

To get an overview of available segments in Adobe Experience Platform:

  1. In the menu on the left side, click on Segments. You will see a dashboard overview with information on a specific segment.

  2. Click on Browse at the tab bar. You will see an overview of all existing segments.

Create A Frequent Flyer Segment

We want to create a segment rule that will select all customer profiles that have booked more than 8 flights in the last year. WKND Fly consider these customers to be frequent flyers and want to personalise content to them.

  1. Click on + Create segment. This will open the Segment Builder. You will immediately notice the Attributes tab selected underneath Fields. As well as the XDM Individual Profile selector under BROWSE ATTRIBUTES.

Since XDM is the language that powers the experience business, XDM is also the foundation for the segment builder. All data that is ingested in AEP should be mapped against XDM, and as such, all data becomes part of the same data model regardless of where that data comes from. This gives you a big advantage when building segments, as from this one segment builder UI, you can combine data from any origin in the same workflow.

Segments built within Segment Builder can be sent to solutions like Adobe Target (the next exercise will how to do that), Adobe Campaign and Adobe Audience Manager for activation.

Let's build a segment for our Frequent Flyers:

  1. Select the Events tab in the Fields section.

  2. In the text search field, type event. You will see a Event Type

  3. Drag the Event Type field onto the canvas where it says Start building segments.

  4. Under the Event Rules section below type Event Type equals Flight Booking.

Your process should look like this:

At each step in defining your segment, you can get an estimate of the segment's population:

  • Click on Refresh Estimates as shown below.

You will then see an estimation of your current segment size as shown above. This is very helpful for a business user, so that they can see the impact of certain attributes on the resulting segment size.

So far, you’ve only used the UI to build your segment, but there’s also a code-option to build a segment.

When building a segment, you’re actually composing a Profile Query Language (PQL) query. To visualise the PQL code,

  1. Click on the Code View switcher in the upper right corner of the segment builder.

  2. Click on Segment Builder view to return back to the UI.

This if for information only. You do not need to build PQL for this exercise.

So far your segment will select all customer profiles who have made at least one flight booking at any time. Now we will restrict this further to target only the frequent flyers.

  1. In the Event Rule, change the include condition to include at least

  2. Type 8 into the text field.

  3. We also want to specify the time period in which the 8 flight bookings must occur in order to be considered a frequent flyer. In the Events panel, change the Anytime drop down to In last 1 Year(s)

Your final segment condition should look like:

Finally, let's save our segment.

  1. Enter your First or Last Name for your segment using the following naming convention [your name] - Frequent Flyers, e.g. pithia - Frequent Flyers.

  2. (optional) Enter a Description. (For real project it is the best practice is to include this so that other people can understand what a segment definition is)

  3. Select Batch from the Evaluation method dropdown list.

  4. Click on Save and Close.

You will be taken to the Segment summary screen, outlining your segment definition.

You have now successfully created a segment using the Adobe Experience Platform Segment Builder. You can now move to the next exercise.

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