A: Luma One

The Goal:

Learn and practice how to deliver a customer pitch (including a live demo) that shows how Adobe Real-Time Customer Data Platform solves business challenges in various industries.

Read before you start the lab

Here are some practice tips for preparing your use case before you start this exercise. Firstly you have limited time and it will flow very quickly, so our advice is to use your time wisely. We recommend you to not devote too much time to discussions. Instead spend enough time to decide on one to three scenarios that you can use for a Point of View (POV) document that are feasible to develop. Our mentors will help and guide you to build your demo. We would recommend you introduce your team first and learn about their strengths. Break your team into business and technical teams, with the business team working on the presentation while the tech team works on building the demo.

Workshop Context

To make a discovery with the client, you will meet with the client representatives (incl. CMO, Audience Programme Manager, Director of Privacy, Director of Operations).

Based on the given scenario, you will need to do the following:

  1. Write discovery questions given the customer's current challenges.

  2. Create/update the Point-of-View deck (information provided below) to create a presentation and pitch it to the customer representatives.

  3. Use the Adobe demo assets provided, customise them and show the solution in action to the customer. (Demo details provided below)

The whole presentation shouldn't take longer than 15 minutes and will be followed by a short 5 mins Q&A.

Presentation Criteria

When building your presentation try to consider these aspects of a great customer pitch:

  • Solution Design

  • Demo

  • Applicability (Fly towards Amplify https://adobeamplify.com/)

  • Innovation/Creativity

  • Collaboration and Completeness

Luma One (Retail)


Luma One is a prominent retail brand that aims to provide exceptional customer experiences through personalised and relevant interactions. They are committed to understanding their customers' online and offline behaviour to deliver a seamless and tailored journey. To achieve this, Luma is thinking to purchase and implement an Adobe Experience Platform (AEP) and Data Collection tag on their website and mobile app.

They believe this technology is ground breaking but still not sure if it could solve their challenges. Luma to gather valuable insights about user preferences, track the purchase funnel, and would like to use state of art marketing technology to deliver highly targeted and personalised experiences.

Luma's primary goal is to enhance customer satisfaction and engagement by delivering relevant content, personalised offers, and optimised marketing strategies at every touch point. Through data integration, customer segmentation, and consistent omni-channel engagement, Luma aims to establish a deep understanding of their customers and provide them with an exceptional retail experience.


  1. Ineffective Cart Abandonment Recovery Strategy: Luma One is struggling with an ineffective cart abandonment recovery strategy. Despite the availability of the cart abandonment email pattern, they face challenges in creating and implementing relevant messaging to re-engage customers and encourage them to complete their purchases. The current approach fails to effectively address the various reasons for cart abandonment, such as distractions or finding cheaper products elsewhere.

🤔 Tip: How can digital retailers like Luma One develop a more effective cart abandonment recovery strategy that utilises targeted messaging to keep customers engaged and increase conversion rates?

  1. Limited Customer Insights and Personalization: Luma One lack comprehensive customer insights and struggle with personalised marketing approaches to combat cart abandonment. Without a deep understanding of customer preferences, behaviour, and motivations behind cart abandonment, retailers like Luma One find it challenging to deliver relevant and tailored messages to entice customers back to complete their purchases.

🤔 Tip: How can digital retailers enhance their customer insights and leverage personalisation techniques to craft compelling marketing strategies that address specific reasons for cart abandonment and increase customer retention?

  1. Lack of Comprehensive Omni-channel View and Engagement: Luma One faces challenges in achieving a comprehensive omni-channel view and engagement with their customers. The current approach falls short in providing a seamless and cohesive customer experience across multiple channels, including website, mobile app, social media, email, and in-store interactions. The lack of a unified view of customer interactions and preferences hampers Luma One's ability to deliver consistent and personalised messaging, recommendations, and promotions throughout the customer journey.

🤔 Tip: How can Luma One overcome this hurdle and establish a robust solution to gain a comprehensive omni-channel view of their customers, enabling personalised and consistent engagement across all touch points?

💡Some of the ideas that you may be interested to follow:

  1. Data Integration: Design a solution to integrate data from multiple sources such as transactional data, CRM systems, offline channels etc. into Adobe Real-time CDP. Ensure that data is collected, stored, and updated in real-time for a comprehensive customer view.

  2. Customer Segmentation: segment customers based on relevant attributes. Develop segments that align with your retail business goals and target a customer personas.

  3. Personalised Content: create personalised content and messaging for each customer segment. Dynamically tailor offers, promotions, recommendations, and product suggestions at various stages of the customer journey.

  4. Omni-channel Engagement: Implement a solution that enables seamless customer journeys across multiple channels, such as email, push notifications, website, and in-app. Ensure that the content and messaging are consistent and personalised across all touch points, providing a cohesive experience.

More details on the scenario covering can be found on the link here

Supported environment information

1. Customer Pitch Deck

For your final presentation, please use the following pitch deck which you can download it here.

2. Prepare your Customer Pitch using the POV template

Sales Play

We have crafted a repeatable approach to address our customers’ most pressing business issues. Through our Sales Play series, we anchor each conversation to the customers’ objective and offer a solution to facilitate purchase. All Sales Plays are grounded in proven sales motions and are foundational to progressing pipeline.

Click on the link to see all Sales Play

Below you will find set of collaterals for your customer pitch using the existing POV and additional valuable content that you may opt to use it for your presentation.

If you are not sure which template to use please connect with Adobe mentors and we will be happy to help you!

Retail Personalization Value Proposition

Sales Play: All Sales Play

Sales Play (Recommended): Personalized Insights & Engagement

This play represents a platform approach to solving the all-too-common challenge of fragmented customer data leading to fragmented customer journeys. It highlights several key use cases that the potent combination of Real-time CDP, Journey Optimizer, and Customer Journey Analytics unlock for our customers.

Download Powerpoint

🥧🥧🥧 We love PIE! ❤️ Who doesn't? It is highly recommended that you use template as your starting point.

Digital Experience blueprints

Digital experience blueprints are repeatable implementations that let you address strategy and quickly solve established business problems. Each Blueprint provides a series of artefacts that explain the high-value business problem, architectures, implementation steps, technical considerations, and links to the relevant documentation.

Do not forget to check out the blueprint links which you may add to your presentation and get additional brownie points. Best of luck!

3. Build your demo using Demo Systems Next

Luma One Workspace

Demo Systems Next offers all configurations through the DSN Workspace. With the DSN Workspace you will be able to:

  • See your project settings

    • Your demo website that is already linked to the Sandbox provided

    • Your demo mobile and its configuration

    • Your Customer Experience App that you can simulate call centre activities

  • See environment settings

Click here to go to your the DNS Workspace.

Demo Supporting ContentLinks & Images

Mobile App

Open "DX Demo" app on your mobile device, Enter this Project ID: cdp-masters-a-mobile

QR Code for your project:

To run this project, simply:

  1. Open DX Demo app on your mobile device (You can skip this if you have already installed DX Demo app)

  2. Navigate to Settings screen

  3. Enter this Project ID or scan this QR code

Visit the Mobile instructional page to review instructions on how to connect mobile app

Additional comprehensive set up details can be found here.

Last updated