Adobe Target Destination Configuration

This section shows you how to create an Adobe Target destination. Note that you will need to do this only one time for Adobe Experience Platform to send segments to Adobe Target.

Step 1: Search for Target, click on three dots and click "View Account"

Step 2: Click on three dots in Adobe Target row, and click Activate Segments

Step 3: At this point you do not have any active destinations so click on Configure new destination

Step 4: Give a Name, Description and select your Datastream ID. Keep Activation Skipped Rate Exceed checkbox as it is (unchecked). Click on Next.

Step 5: Select the policy you will use, if you don't know which one to select, select all. Click "Create"

After few seconds your destination will be ready as shown below.

At this point the connection between Adobe Experience Platform and Adobe Target is ready and you should be able to send segments from Adobe Experience Platform to Target.

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