Test Adobe Target Experience

At this point you have created a profile and different segments. You also have connected and shared segments to Adobe Target.

We will not build Adobe Target experience in this exercise but it would be useful to see how end to end personalisation work. If you are interested in learning more about how to create Adobe Target Experience activities go the Adobe Experience League - Target Guide.

In this exercise you will be using previously built experience created in Adobe Target and validating the theory. If you already know how to work with Adobe Target, you can skip this exercise and go to Summary & Benefit page.

Test Adobe Target live experience for Amsterdam Flyer Segment

Business Objective

WKND Fly wants to learn more about their customers, their online and offline behaviour. They are adding AEP and Data Collection tag to their website and mobile app to gather information about what the users are looking at on the web page and mobile app, observe the purchase funnel and use this information to deliver more relevant and personalised experience.

WKND Fly wants to upsell offers to customers through a partnership in local cities. In this example, we will show offers to all the customers who booked a flight to Amsterdam.


To start with a completely empty profile, clear your browser cookies or open a new incognito window. You can also use the "Reset profile" button at the bottom of profile viewer.

Step 1: Once you have a fresh profile, search for a flight from London Heathrow (LHR) to Amsterdam (AMS).

Step 2: Click Select button, and book the flight.

Step 3: Go back to the home page. You will see personalised Target Experience as shown below.

Step 4: Open the Profile Viewer under the segment to see the segment - "Pithia - Amsterdam Arrival"

Step 5: You can see Adobe Experience here.

Please do not change the Target Experience

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