Creating a journey

In this exercise, you'll be creating and testing a journey using the segment you've created in the previous exercise.

Journey overview

To get an overview of all journeys in Adobe Experience Platform:

  1. In the menu on the left side, click on Journeys. You will see an overview with all existing journeys.

Creating a journey

We'll be creating a journey that will send a push message to customers when their flight is departing in the next 24 hours. This will be encouraged to check in.

Click on Create Journey. You'll be taken to the Journey canvas with the journey properties opened.

  1. Set the name to [your name] - Check in journey for loyalty members.

  2. For the other properties we'll keep the default values.

  3. Your screen should look like the image below. Click Ok to save and close the properties.

You're now in the journey canvas. This is where you'll be creating your journey's logic. In the left menu you have activities. There's three types of activities:

Events are the triggers that can start or continue your journey.

Orchestration is the logic of your journey. It looks at conditions, segments, but can also be used to make your workflow wait or end.

Actions are the results of your journey. This can be messages, profiles updates or API calls.

Segment qualification

  1. We're starting our workflow off with a segment entry trigger. From the events tab, choose Segment qualification and drag it onto the canvas.

  2. Click on the activity to open the detailed view.

    1. Set the label to Flight in next 24 hours.

    2. Click on the pencil icon next to Select a segment to open a window, select your segment from the list and click Save. If you didn't create a segment, you can use Onboarding - Flight Departure in next 24 hours.

    3. Set the behaviour to Enter. This means the journey will start as soon as the customer enters the segment.

    4. Set the namespace to Email(Email).

    5. Your screen should look like the image below. Click Ok.

Condition - Loyalty Status

  1. From the orchestration tab, choose Condition and drag it onto the + sign when mouse overing the previous branch on the canvas.

  2. Click on the activity to open the detailed view.

    1. Set the label to Loyalty Status.

    2. Click on Path1 and change the label to Bronze and Silver.

    3. Click on the pencil icon next to Add an expression to open a window.

      1. On the left side, unfold Segments, select the bronze one “WKND – Bronze Fly Club Members” and drag it to the right side.

      2. Click the toggle (if not done already on), it will switch to True.

      3. Again, on the left side, drag another segment “WKND – Silver Fly Club Members” to the right side, underneath the condition you just created.

      4. Click the toggle (if not already on), it will switch to True.

      5. Click on the AND dropdown and change this to OR.

      6. Click Ok to save the conditions. Your expression should look like in the screenshot below:

  1. Click +Add a path twice to add two new branches to the Journey

    1. Set the labels to Gold and Platinum.

    2. Open the Expression editor for the Gold path.

    3. On the left side, unfold Segments, find “WKND – Gold Fly Club Members”, and drag it to the right side.

    4. Click the toggle (if not already on), it will switch to True.

    5. Again, on the left side, drag segment “WKND – Platinum Fly Club Members” to the right side.

    6. Click the toggle (if not already on), it will switch to True.

  2. Check Show path for other cases than one(s) above and set the label to “Not a loyalty member”.

  3. Your screen should look like the image below. Click Ok.

Custom Action message - Time to check in

Custom actions enable you to configure connection of a third-party system to send messages or API calls. An action can be configured with any service from any provider that can be called through a REST API with a JSON-formatted payload.

In this exercise, we have pre-created a Custom Action that sends messages to a Slack channel. You will reuse this in your Journey.

  1. From the actions tab, choose TextSlack and drag it onto the empty circle on the canvas along the Bronze and Silver path.

  2. Click on the activity to open the detailed view.

    1. Set the Label to Check in message.

    2. Open the Action parameters by clicking the pencil icon. Here we will define the text that will be posted on Slack.

    3. Click to open Advanced mode.

    4. Input the following expression:

"Time to check in for your flight " + #{} + " - As a WKND Club member you can check in 1 bag for free!"
  1. Do the same for the Gold path

    1. From the actions tab, choose TextSlack and drag it onto the Gold path.

    2. Set the Label to Check in message.

    3. Open the Action parameters by clicking the pencil icon.

    4. Click to open Advanced mode.

    5. Input the following expression:

"Time to check in for your flight " + #{} + " - As a Gold member, you can skip the queues and use our priority check in!"
  1. Do the same for the Platinum path

    1. From the actions tab, choose TextSlack and drag it onto the Platinum path.

    2. Set the Label to Check in message.

    3. Open the Action parameters by clicking the pencil icon.

    4. Click to open Advanced mode.

    5. Input the following expression:

"Time to check in for your flight " + #{} + ". When you arrive, the Platinum lounge is located by Gate 54, we look forward to welcoming you!"
  1. Your Journey should now look something like this:

Push Message - Check In

  1. From the actions tab, choose Push and drag it after the TextSlack along the Bronze and Silver path.

  2. Click on the activity to open the detailed view.

    1. Set the label to Check in Push.

    2. Set the push category to Marketing.

    3. Set the push surface to Push.

    4. Click on Edit content to start designing your push message.

      1. Set the title to "Time to check in for your flight".

      2. Click on the person icon next to the title input box to open the message editor. You can now select profile attributes for personalisation in the message. From the left menu, with profile attributes selected, search forFirst Name or other attribute.

      3. Click the + icon to add the personalised field to your expression. Your expression should read:

        {{}} Time to check in for your flight

      4. ClickSave.

      5. Set the body to “Check in 1 extra bag for free!”

      6. And…you can add a funny Giphy or other media in field add media: (just copy paste in the add media field)

      7. Your screen should look like the image below. Navigate out of the designer by clicking the arrow on the top left of your screen, the content editing will be automatically saved.

You can expand view of your push content, click “Expand view” as per the screenshot above, you would get the below display.

So far, your Journey should look like the screenshot below. Click Ok.

  1. Repeat the same for the gold and platinum paths, adding push messages to those journeys with the title, body, add media of your choice.

The journey is now finished - Please do not publish the journey!!. It should look like this:

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