Testing the journey

In this exercise we'll test the journey we've build.

In Adobe Journey Optimizer you can run journeys in test mode to test if the outcome of your journeys aligns with your requirements.

To enable test mode, toggle Test on the top right/centre of your journey.

While in test mode, you can not make changes to the journey. You'll also notice that the left menu is replaced with the Test mode panel.

  1. Click on Trigger an event. This will open a window. In this window you can choose a profile to be in the Segment qualification activity.

  2. When we set up the Segment qualification, we chose Email as the main identifier. Enter your test profile's Email as the profile identifier and click Send to start the test.

If you want to receive the Push notification in your mobile app, you must be logged in with the same Email you use to trigger the test.

You will also need to make sure your profile is a member of the WKND Fly Club by signing up on the website if you haven't done it already.

The window will close and the test will now start. In a few moments you'll see arrows turn green. This is your test profile moving through the journey. You will receive the push notification on your mobile device and a message posted in the Slack channel within the next minute.

You've now tested your journey

  1. Turn off test mode by toggling Test.

  2. Click the < in the top left to navigate back to the Journeys overview.

(Click on the image below to enlarge the movie)

Last updated