Create Offers for Website and Email Personalization

Use Journey Optimizer to deliver the best offer and experience to your Customers across all touch points at the right time. Once designed, target your audiences with personalized offers.

In AJO go to Decision Management/Placements: be sure to create the placement where your offers can be displayed, please use reference doc here and video tutorial here:

  • Placement label: Email image 1

  • Placement label: Email image 2

  • Placement label: Webmail image 1

  • Placement label: Webmail image 2

Tips: If you want to display 2 or more different offers in an email or/and web, you need to create 2 different email placements or/and 2 different web placements

  • Still in the menu “Placements” you can define and configure the “Rules”, “Collection Qualifier” (old “tags”), and “Ranking” tabs. Please refer to the doc here where you can explore how to create rules, collection qualifier and rankings. You can also check the tutorial video on Rules and AI rankings.

  • In AJO go to Decision Management/Offers and start creating your personalized offers, please refer to the doc here and a tutorial video here.

    • Examples:

      • Offer text: 20% off on the next booking (any destination)

      • Image: xxxxx

      • Offer priority: 100

      • Offer text: 30% off on a booking to the Greek Islands

      • Image: xxxxx

      • Offer priority: 50

  • Create a fall back offer in case there’s no eligibility for Personalized Offers defined above, check this tutorial video

    • Example:

      • Offer text: Fly with our Promotions

      • Image: xxxxx

    • Create a collection, and watch this tutorial video

      • Example:

        • Collection label: Summer Flying Discounts

        • Add the Personalized Offers defined above to the collection

    • Create Decisions with all the placements, collection of offers, evaluation criteria and respective ranking method in order to automate in an intelligent way the Offer Decisioning Management, you can follow a tutorial video

      • Create decision scopes for Email image 1 and Email image 2, and Webmail 1 and 2 defined above in placements.

        • Add the Evaluation Criteria which consists in adding a collection, eligibility, and ranking method

        • Define Eligibility based on segment (alternatively you can define a rule from scratch)

        • Define ranking method as “Offer priority” (other options are available like “Formula” and “AI Model”)

        • Click Next step

        • You can add more evaluation criteria with another collection and eligibility and ranking method, as per the doc.

        • Add the above defined fall back offer and click next

        • Finally check the Summary of your decision and click Finish

Tips: if you want to display 2 or more offers in the same email template, for example, create a decision scope for each of the email/web placements you created previously, in the same Decision (e.g. Decision scope 1 for “Email Image 1” placement, and Decision Scope 2 for “Email Image 2” placement).

Important: If changes are made to an offer decision which is being used in a journey’s message, you need to unpublish the journey and republish it. This will ensure that the changes are incorporated into the journey’s message and that the message is consistent with the latest updates.

- Simulate your offers

Last updated